Below you will find all the information you need to register and become a member of one of the fastest growing sports in America.

Registration for the Spring 2025 Season

Welcome to Girls Lacrosse:

Registration Details:

Registration Fee: $100 for grades K-2       $130 for grades 3-8.

This fee covers personalized reversible jerseys, field usage, league dues, and referee payment for each player for the season.


Registration OPEN January 1st until January 22nd


Requirements for registration:

For girls attending the Northwestern Lehigh School District area in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.


We are offering 4 divisions:

Girls K-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 grades


We will be using the team snap platform for all notifications. Once registration is complete, and as more information is revealed from the league it will be communicated.


League Info:


Players will need:

  • lacrosse stick
  • protective eyewear
  • cleats
  • mouthpiece

Game Jerseys are provided. Optional uniform bottoms are available for purchase during registration.  You may wear black bottoms of your own if you don't want to purchase them.

We are happy to provide some remaining beginner K-2 sticks that were donated to us by US Lacrosse for girls that do not have their own.  We have a very limited supply.

Girls Sticks in divisions 5/6 & 7/8 must be 90-110cm from top of the basket to the end of the stick. (K-2 & 3/4 girls do not need to meet these stick specifications and sticks can be shorter for ease of handling. The coaches can cut them by request or you can do it on your own.)




Practice is anticipated to start the 1st week of March 2025.  Games begin March 29th and run through mid-May.  There is an end of the season tournament planned for May 17th at Grange Field.

Girls can expect 2-3 days of lacrosse per week.

Dates and locations of games/practice will be posted once they become available.

  • A game schedule is not yet available. Games are scheduled based off of referee availability. We share the same referees as the High School girls.
  • Each division coach will set their own practice schedule. We understand the girls are involved in multiple activities, and try to establish a practice schedule that best accommodates.


Dave Hausman